Agreeing with Angela Collier on how bad Star Trek: Picard is

Today I finished watching Dr Angela Collier’s 3 hour, 48 minute long video essay titled ‘How Star Trek: Picard Ruins Star Trek’ and I want to state for the record that I agree with it 100%.

I don’t usually write posts about how much I dislike a piece of media. But as a long-time Star Trek fan, a couple of years ago I was compelled to write about how season 2 of Star Trek: Picard (ST:P) was ruined in editing.

Angela’s media analysis takes things up several notches and explains how not only each season of ST:P is bad, but how damaging many of the currently-airing Trek television shows are to the philosophy and the joy of watching Star Trek.

If you’re a Trekkie like me and you enjoy long-form video essays, I highly recommend you watch this.