I haven’t gone on a proper photo walk for a while, so here’s a bunch of photos I’ve taken over the last several weeks.
Tiny ‘road ahead’ sign for cyclists only
Photo showing a small traffic sign with a reflective, bright-yellow background and contrasting black text. The text reads, in all capital letters, “road ahead”. This sign is mounted on top of a metal pole that’s been installed next to a bicycle path. The bicycle path runs parallel to a two-way residential road. The sign is small and placed well away from the road so that motor vehicle drivers don't confuse it for a sign they need to pay attention to.
‘Slow down’ road surface sign on a bicycle path
Photo looking straight down at large, white text painted on the khaki-grey concrete of a bicycle path. The sign reads, in all capital letters, “slow down”. The photographer’s black sneakers are visible in the bottom edge of the frame.
Good spot to feed the birds
Photo of a bird eating some bird seed on a wide, painted, brick pillar that’s part of the front fence of a house.
Checking out the rest of the Sydney Road Street Party while waiting for its owners
Photo of a small, fluffy, brown dog sitting on the road while it waits for its owners who are at a market stall. The dog is looking over its shoulder at the rest of the people wandering around this market section of the street party.
A brick is still the best way to keep your gate closed
Photo of the bottom edge of a rusted, but still functional, gate at the bottom of a residential driveway. The gate is made of widely spaced iron bars that are covered with a layer of rust, their paint having peeled off likely years ago. One side of this swinging gate is kept shut with a large bolt that goes into a hole drilled into the driveway concrete. The other side is kept shut by a broken brick that has its two halves stacked on top of each other.
Bee and wasp warning at the cemetery
Photo of a portable, outdoor sign that’s been placed in front of a large tree. This sign and tree are in a cemetery, and many rows of gravestones are visible behind the tree. The bright yellow sign has black text that reads, in all capital letters, “warning, bees and wasps active in this area”. A large icon of a bee has also been drawn on the sign.
Australian white ibis taking flight over a duck pond
Photo of a medium-sized duck pond within a large parkland area. A large, while bird – an Australian white ibis – has just taken flight and is already halfway across the width of the pond.
A space for quiet contemplation
Photo of a wooden bench that’s been installed on the banks of a medium-sized duck pond within a large parkland area.
Nadia and I both have a pair of well-worn black sneakers
Photo looking straight down at the black sneakers of two people who are standing facing each other.
Black sneakers FTW!
Photo looking straight down at the black sneakers of two people who are standing facing each other.