I’m a typography nerd and here is where I collate my typographic preferences, recommendations, ideas, and thoughts.

You can find longer versions of everything below in the ‘typography’ tag on my personal blog.

Video explainers

My current favourite typefaces

Blog post: ‘My favourite typefaces (December 2024)’ + ‘How I think about typefaces’ (for an explanation of the categories)

tl;dr: I list my favourite typefaces and share links from where you can buy or download them

Note: The list on this page is more up-to-date than the list in my blog post


Favourite serif typefaces


Favourite sans serif typefaces


Favourite slab serif typefaces


Favourite monospace typefaces

My current typeface wish list (realistic)

Blog post: ‘My favourite typefaces (December 2024)’ + ‘How I think about typefaces’ (for an explanation of the categories)

tl;dr: I list the realistically affordable typefaces that I intend to buy next

My favourite typeface pairings

Blog post: ‘My favourite typeface pairings

tl;dr: I talk about my favourite body text typefaces and the heading typefaces I pair those with

Typeface alternatives I recommend

Times New Roman

Blog posts: ‘Times New Roman alternatives – follow-up’ and ‘Times New Roman alternatives

  • To most people I recommend PT Astra Serif, which is a great, free, drop-in replacement

  • To professionals I recommend Equity, which is an fantastic, paid, drop-in replacement

  • To typography enthusiasts and website developers I recommend the Newsreader family since it has optical sizes (Display, Text, Caption)

  • I don’t like Times New Roman so, whenever I need to use a formal, neutral serif typeface, I use Source Serif 4 (free) or Mercury (paid) instead


Blog post: ‘Frutiger alternatives

  • I adore Frutiger, but most people can’t justify buying one of its popular versions (ie Neue Frutiger and Frutiger Next)

  • To most people I recommend Fact (paid) – this is what I use

  • Another great alternative is Myriad (paid)

Franklin Gothic

Blog post: ‘Franklin Gothic alternatives

  • The Franklin Gothic ‘family’ is actually three typefaces: Franklin Gothic, Alternate Gothic, and News Gothic

  • The modern versions of Franklin Gothic and News Gothic are all quite expensive

  • If you want drop-in replacements I recommend Libre Franklin instead of Franklin Gothic, Oswald instead of Alternate Gothic, and Public Sans instead of News Gothic – all of which are free

  • Trade Gothic Next and Benton Sans are great paid alternatives

  • My preferred alternatives – which are heavily inspired by Franklin Gothic – are Whitney Narrow and Source Sans 3


  • The Avenir font that comes pre-installed with Windows (Avenir Next Regular) is quite thin, and that limits where and when this typeface can be used

  • You could purchase a licence to all of Avenir Next and use the Medium weight for your body text instead, but the Basic Family Pack licence costs over AU$500

  • (And since individual Avenir font costs $157, buying a licence to just the Medium and Medium-Italic fonts isn’t a cheap and easy solution either!)

  • So instead I use an alternative typeface, and the two that work best for me are Hint (paid, but reasonably priced) and Poppins (free)

  • Design-wise, other decent alternatives are Whitney and General Sans – though since both of those are also thin, you should use their Medium weights instead

My typographic journey

Blog post: ‘Journey to my favourite typefaces

tl;dr: I show my journey from default typefaces to the typefaces I use now

These are my preferred free and paid alternatives to default operating system, word processor, and web typefaces:

Other writing about typography