July 2018

There's one big, dark cloud in the sky and I'm right in the middle of its shadow :) #dramaticsky

Afternoon snoozles on the bed. #redheeler #australiancattledog

Gorgeous sunset over Docklands today #dramaticsky #redsky #melbourne

Friday afternoon at Southern Cross station. #hazyday #waveroof #melbourne

Today we visited Maggie's favourite grass patch of winter 2018. Every time we walk by here she spends a few minutes munching down on that delicious, greeny goodness. #redheeler #australiancattledog #rescuedog

Saturday selfie with @nadianiaz at the West Writer's Forum at @footscrayarts #WestWriters18

August 2018

Wednesday vs Friday aesthetic while wearing the same pair of dark brown @aquila_est1958 chukka boots :) #versatile #mensfashion

Saturday afternoon nap. Yes, she's supposed to be ON that towel when she's on the sofa. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #letsleepingdogslie #redheeler #australiancattledog #rescuedog

Today was fun! Visited one of our CityLink incident response bases - this one located under the Footscray Road on-ramp. Chatted with the fabulous team there and got to check out our rapid response vehicles. One is a flat-bed for towing cars and small trucks off the road. The other has a massive portable crash barrier (the big yellow thing). These trucks travel in pairs. The second one parks further behind, and then deploys its crash barrier to provide extra safety for everyone on the road. I even got to sit in one of the trucks. And, yes, I'm decked out in full safety gear :)

Today was fun! Visited one of our CityLink incident response bases - this one located under the Footscray Road on-ramp. Chatted with the fabulous team there and got to check out our rapid response vehicles. One is a flat-bed for towing cars and small trucks off the road. The other has a massive portable crash barrier (the big yellow thing). These trucks travel in pairs. The second one parks further behind, and then deploys its crash barrier to provide extra safety for everyone on the road. I even got to sit in one of the trucks. And, yes, I'm decked out in full safety gear :)

Today was fun! Visited one of our CityLink incident response bases - this one located under the Footscray Road on-ramp. Chatted with the fabulous team there and got to check out our rapid response vehicles. One is a flat-bed for towing cars and small trucks off the road. The other has a massive portable crash barrier (the big yellow thing). These trucks travel in pairs. The second one parks further behind, and then deploys its crash barrier to provide extra safety for everyone on the road. I even got to sit in one of the trucks. And, yes, I'm decked out in full safety gear :)

The weather certainly took a turn for the interesting this afternoon! #hail #melbweather #melbourne

The weather certainly took a turn for the interesting this afternoon! #hail #melbweather #melbourne

Ah, Melbourne. After yesterday's rain and hail, today we're treated to a gorgeous, sunny day. One that Maggie is making the most of :) #rescuedog #redheeler

Ah, Melbourne. After yesterday's rain and hail, today we're treated to a gorgeous, sunny day. One that Maggie is making the most of :) #rescuedog #redheeler

I get that he's supposed to be throwing a spear, but he could totally be doing the luddi, as well :) #andback #andclap #andstep #dance

Back at @MelbBSchool for the second subject of my Professional Certificate of Business Analytics. This one's a 5-day intensive with @hughewilliams. #goodtimes #lotstolearn @melbournebschool

Love these 4K cable channel ads from @foxtel :) And, of course, that we're getting a 2160p broadcast channel in Australia. Looking forward to subscribing once we upgrade our TV.

Today is cold and miserable in #Melbourne so here's a throwback to Friday when the sun was actually out for a little while! #melbweather

Belated #FridaySelfie. Or let's call it what it really is: making the most of working in a building with *highly* reflective lift interiors :)

I *love* the #design and colour coded organisation of these files at #Melbourne Endodontics. Dr Peter Spili is pretty awesome, too. #specialist #consultation

Not quite a #bakeoff cliffhanger moment, but here's @nadianiaz keeping an eye on the samosas in the over :) #muchlatergram

Not long now till we get to hear @nadianiaz perform her poetry at the Melbourne Writer's Festival! Here's the program with her picture on it and everything :) #MWF18

Loved the performances of all these fabulous #WestWriters at the Melbourne Writers Festival this afternoon! #MWF18

Sunshine Road, as promised. #westfootscraystation #melbwest #melbourne

Sunny Sunday afternoons are for enjoying a kangaroo tendon on the grass :) #rescuedog #redheeler #australiancattledog

Sundays are also for playing tag and, once you've won the rope toy, working hard to tear it to pieces :) #rescuedog #redheeler #australiancattledog

September 2018
Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane

Taking a nap in the study on a dreary Sunday afternoon when the hoomins are on their computers. #blankie #rescuedog #redheeler #australiancattledog

Someone is thoroughly enjoying her morning in the sun :) #redheeler #australiancattledog #springisfinallyhere☀️

View from my office today. It's so weird being in Sydney and working from the CBD when, for the last six years, I've worked out of the Qantas offices in Mascot! #newjob #newplaces

What? @nadianiaz is in the bathroom? I'll just get comfortable on her side of the bed then, shall I? #rescuedog #redheeler

Waiting patiently for the dog she heard three houses away to finally walk by our gate. #alwaysalert #alwaysready #turnsoutitwasajogger #janglykeysinpocket #redheeler #australiancattledog

I would like some head scritches please. #sundayafternoon #redheeler #australiancattledog

Came to #Brisbane for the day for work. Enjoyed the gorgeous, sunny day but didn't see any snakes next to the office parking lot. #winsome #losesome

Bro, do you even... #brisbane @brisbaneairport

The best way to recover from a long walk in the sun is to sit in the coolest patch of grass in the garden. #lifehacks #lifehacksfromdog #redheeler #australiancattledog

What a delicious addition to our new office! Right next to the Tech Servo, too, so you can do your screaming while having your laptop fixed #screamintotheglazedvoid #floorplan

Maggie waits and watches while we park the car, close the gate, and *finally* open the front door to let her out. #rescuedog #paitientdog #whinesthiswholetime

Sunday afternoon nap on the sofa. #outcold #australiancattledog

October 2018

Post dinner snoozles in the study while @nadianiaz and I are both on our computers. #onepawout #redheeler #rescuedog #seaworld #sheknowswherehertowelis

Up-side of sitting facing the windows: lots of natural light, great views. Down-side of sitting facing the windows: your eyes pick up EVERY single tiny speck of dust on you glasses like they're the best exoplanet finding telescope known to humankind. #transitphotometry

Bike racks in the underground university car park. #thursdaynight #urbanspaces

Pour one out for Todd Bol, creator of the Little Free Library movement, who died of cancer a couple of days ago. This is our local #libraryonastick in Kingsville, Victoria, #Australia. #melbwest

A nap in the sun, followed by a nap in the shade. #doglife #australiancattledog #redheeler

Keeping an ear on the neighbourhood and listening for dogs being walked down our street #alert #whatbigearsyouhave #australiancattledog #redheeler

November 2018

Wait...is that a dog barking at the end of the street? #sundaywalk #redheeler #rescuedog

Someone certainly enjoyed snoozing in the sun this afternoon. The fun stuff you get to see when you're working from home :) #redheeler #rescuedog #sleepinginahole

Thank you for that lovely speech @billshortenmp welcoming us into our official Australianness this evening at @cityofmaribyrnong @maribyrnongcc - with Dr @nadianiaz

Thunderstorms are here - as promised by @BOM_Vic :) Got to the station just in time! #melbweather #melbourne

Nice rainy day for our first #democracysausage - with @nadianiaz #victoriavotes @electionsvic

FANTASTIC show by David Byrne in #Melbourne! 12 barefoot musicians in grey suits with instruments strapped to them (including a deconstructed drum kit) danced and played across the stage. Every song a delight to listen to and watch. #impressed #entertained #joy

FANTASTIC show by David Byrne in #Melbourne! 12 barefoot musicians in grey suits with instruments strapped to them (including a deconstructed drum kit) danced and played across the stage. Every song a delight to listen to and watch. #impressed #entertained #joy

FANTASTIC show by David Byrne in #Melbourne! 12 barefoot musicians in grey suits with instruments strapped to them (including a deconstructed drum kit) danced and played across the stage. Every song a delight to listen to and watch. #impressed #entertained #joy

FANTASTIC show by David Byrne in #Melbourne! 12 barefoot musicians in grey suits with instruments strapped to them (including a deconstructed drum kit) danced and played across the stage. Every song a delight to listen to and watch. #impressed #entertained #joy

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition - or the sounds of tradies coming from *behind* you when you're on the 29th floor! #docklands @collins_square

(1) Delicious toy! (2) Nom, nom. (3) What? (4) What was that behind you? #thoughtsofdog #playingtug #winner #eveningplaytime #redheeler #rescuedog

(1) Delicious toy! (2) Nom, nom. (3) What? (4) What was that behind you? #thoughtsofdog #playingtug #winner #eveningplaytime #redheeler #rescuedog

(1) Delicious toy! (2) Nom, nom. (3) What? (4) What was that behind you? #thoughtsofdog #playingtug #winner #eveningplaytime #redheeler #rescuedog

(1) Delicious toy! (2) Nom, nom. (3) What? (4) What was that behind you? #thoughtsofdog #playingtug #winner #eveningplaytime #redheeler #rescuedog

Chilling out after her morning walk with @nadianiaz. One of the nice things you get to see when you work from home for the day :) #flexibleworking #redheeler #rescuedog #australiancattledog

December 2018

Going home from work at 7pm yesterday and the @collins_square Tower 5 lobby was completely deserted. #liminalspace #latergtam

Malala Yousafzai is equal parts impressive and endearing. Lovely and inspiring to hear from her today. #allthefeels #malala18 @the_growth_faculty - with @nadianiaz

Saturday afternoon nap - the kind you can take only *after* the vacuuming has been done :) #redheeler #rescuedog #stretchedout

Obligatory post-barbecue investigation to look for anything that may have fallen off plates and trays :) #followyournose #redheeler

Interrupting Maggie's post-dinner nap for a selfie :) #letsleepingdogslie #redheeler

Every morning Maggie jumps on to the bed for a cuddle and stays till we're both up. Most days @nadianiaz is out of bed first so on some days this is what I wake up to :)

Someone is about to discover that I'm home early today :) #sleepingdog #earstillup

Sunny day at the @suntheatre in #Yarraville Village. #holidays

Delicious dark chocolate at Coracle Cafe in Yarraville Village. Their food is excellent too! - with @nadianiaz #saturdaybrunch

Thumbs up for a Monday barbecue! - with @nadianiaz

Afternoon naps are nice - even if you can't fully stretch out on the sofa because you have a dog leaning comfortably on you bum so she can take her own afternoon nap :) #holidays

Saturday evening at the @suntheatre in #Yarraville #4moviesin4days

I guess this is her spot now - every time I try to take an afternoon nap on the sofa. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #lifewithdog