July 2017
Melbourne, Sorrento

This Pacific National #NR75 engine was pulling possibly the longest freight train I've ever seen! #TheGhan

This Pacific National #NR75 engine was pulling possibly the longest freight train I've ever seen! #TheGhan

This Pacific National #NR75 engine was pulling possibly the longest freight train I've ever seen! #TheGhan

I must check out the garden / nice garden! #weekendinsorrento

I must check out the garden / nice garden! #weekendinsorrento

Only upside of being sick in bed is having a dog lying across your legs :) #slept10hours

Sleepin' on mah hoomin #sofatime #redheeler #australiancattledog #rescuedog

So many loud people are doing me a slight concern but I am also ready for all the extra treat opportunities! #rescuedog

So I should just sit here while you nap? Yup. Sure? Pawsitive. #redheeler #rescuedog

Saturday afternoon at Southern Cross Station #Melbourne

August 2017

Foggy morning at Yarraville Station #melbweather #Melbourne @metrotrains

That Henry Wong - always makes a spectacle. All the better to Read Kelly with, though. #footscray

Firies to the rescue #electricalfire @JemenaLtd

Saturday afternoons, amirite? #dogsofinstgram #redheeler #rescuedog

Saturday night closing time at @villagecantina in Yarraville #latergram

Saturday night at Yarraville railway station @cityofmaribyrnong #latergram

September 2017

Workstation 🎈🎈🎈 for my birthday earlier this week :) #lovemyteam #latergram

OMG skybridge! #niece #newexperience #5yearsold #melbourne #latergram

Wednesday evening commute from the quiet side of Southern Cross Station in #Melbourne

Wednesday evening commute - now from the busy side of Southern Cross Station in #Melbourne :)

"Maggie!" "Yes?"

"Maggie!" "Yes?"

"Maggie!" "Yes?"

"Maggie!" "Yes?"


"Must focus on the vet. The vet has treats!" #pulledmuscle #redheeler #australiancattledog #rescuedog

Good way to remind people about RUOK? Day :) #mentalhealth #workplace #afternoontea

Happy sundog enjoying the sun while it lasts #showerspredicted #rescuedog #redheeler #australiancattledog #melbourne

A concerned Maggie kept an eye on me while I was home sick most of the week. #knackerednow #redheeler #australiancattledog #rescuedog #dogsofinstgram

October 2017
Melbourne, Dubai, Karachi

'I brake for bookstores' #bumpersticker #Yarraville #melbwest

Fabulous Saturday night dinner with @nadianiaz thanks to @maple_leaf_meats :) #Yarraville #foodtruck #latergram

Heading in to the city on a glorious Wednesday morning with @metromelbourne #melbourne #latergram

Lazy Saturday morning head scritches #getoutofbedalready #timeformywalk #redheeler #rescuedog #australiancattledog #latergram

Study spaces at Melbourne Uni Arts West #empty #fridaynight #outpartying

Quiet log time #saturdaynight #melbourne (with @nadianiaz)

Gorgeous day in #melbourne today! #spring #yarratrams #poleslinedup #collingwood

Big breakfast burger at @dubaiairports T3 with @nadianiaz :) #holidaynoms

Ready to continue our journey after a relaxing stop at @dubaiairports with @nadianiaz #Boeing #777

All dolled-up for my flight :) #airportselfie #dubai


Wall of masks at @ashbedar's place (this is maybe a quarter of the whole collection).

Hung out all afternoon with middle niece who loves bright, sparkly shoes. I like flip-flops. #stillgetalongjustfine

Wall of masks at my younger sister's place. We do love our wall of masks in this family :)

Today Middle Niece and I built a fort out of a minion blanket. Twice. #toddlergoals

Lazy Sunday morning pool time thanks to @ibaadlari and @malihazialari :)

#siblingsunited, with @malihazialari and @ashbedar - photo by @ibaadlari

Hotel window hawk at the #Karachi Marriott - with Frere Hall in the background.

Part of the wall of masks at my middle sister's place. #trifecta

Hello, Rufus! It's been two years since I've seen you. #stillgoofy #blurrytail #happydog #gettingolder


November 2017
Karachi, Islamabad, Melbourne

🎵 We're going to Groceland, Groceland / Memphis, Tennessee - well, in this case Islamabad, Pakistan :)

You know you're in Islamabad when...

Always BE A NINE on price, never BE A TEN :) #thegoodguys #highpoint

Napping peacefully while @nadianiaz unpacks a suitcase from our overseas holiday #happydog #togetheragain #latergram

Say #YES to #marriageequality cake :) Thank you @anna__thomson for the cake and sprinkles!

Regularly scheduled post-dinner snoozles on the sofa (usually resting her head on my leg or @nadianiaz's) while the hoomins watch TV.

Enhanced passenger information screen trial by @yarratrams #loveit #superuseful http://www.yarratrams.com.au/media-centre/news/articles/2017/enhanced-passenger-information-screens-trial-on-c-class-trams/

West Gate bridge from #Docklands yesterday evening #sunset #melbourne

Sunset building blues at #Docklands #Melbourne #latergram

Sunset behind me, storm brewing in front of me on La Trobe Street #Docklands #Melbourne #latergram

Trains rolling in and out of Southern Cross Railway Station on a storm Friday evening in #Melbourne #latergram

Afternoon snoozles on the hoomin's leg. Made easier by the light breeze and steady, muted droning of the pedestal fan. #lazysunday #rescuedog #redheeler #australiancattledog

Thursday night at Parliament Station. #craigieburntrain #metro #melbourne

Right to left: CraigieBURN, SUNbury, MELTon. #australia #sunburntland indeed :)

Late night deliveries at #Footscray Market, @cityofmaribyrnong #11pm #marketnightlife

December 2017

Dramatic skies in #melbourne yesterday evening :) #melbweather #melbournestorm

Road trip! (@nadianiaz is driving)

There is no @nadianiaz, only treat pouch #ghostbusters #onlyzuul

Treat achieved! - with @nadianiaz

Exploring the dog run at Kepala Pet Resort - with @nadianiaz

All sorts of activities on offer at the Kepala Pet Resort.

Afternoon snoozles after a day of running around at Kepala Pet Resort :)

Finally! It took a few weeks of searching but @nadianiaz finally found the 'soft pillows for tummy sleepers' she was after :)

The snuggle is real! - with @nadianiaz

Waiting for the city loop train on platform 1 at #Footscray Station on a Thursday morning in #Melbourne.

Post-dinner snoozles blep.

Before today's thunderstorms #silverlining #clouds #melbourne

Hanging out with @grovermcbane at Claire Garth's book signing for 'Grover McBane Rescue Dog' - with @nadianiaz #bonusdogscritches

Post dinner snoozles, snuggled up with @nadianiaz #foldedpaws #rescuedog #redheeler #australiancattledog

Hmmmm. Smells purple. #stoppingtosmelltheflowers #morningwalk #redheeler #rescuedog

The best post-dinner snoozles are the ones in which you're leanin' on your hoomin. #fastasleep #snoringlightly #redheeler #rescuedog

Lazy Saturday with the hoomin. #shouldertosleepon

Happy Maggie-versary to me and @nadianiaz! What an awesome year we've had with Maggie in our lives :) #rescuedog #redheeler #australiancattledog