In all things there must be balance. This is how Maggie balances our having the air conditioner on today.
Photo of a red dog asleep on its side on a sunny day in a garden with slightly browned, sun-burned grass.
Random tangent (blog)
Ameel Khan's personal blog. This is a blog about life, technology, photography, typography, the internet, science, feminism, books, film, music, and whatever other random stuff I come across or happen to be interested in today.
In all things there must be balance. This is how Maggie balances our having the air conditioner on today.
Photo of a red dog asleep on its side on a sunny day in a garden with slightly browned, sun-burned grass.
This is personal website of Nadia Niaz and Ameel Zia Khan. Here we document our lives in Melbourne, Australia.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia