Do you have a favourite typeface for writing code? (Assuming you write code, of course.)
If not, CodingFont is a brilliant website that will help you find your preferred coding typeface — tournament style!
The process is simple and elegant: you compare code written in two popular coding typefaces side-by-side, then you pick the one you prefer. Do this over and over again and, through the process of elimination, you’re left with the coding typeface you like the most.
In my case that’s JetBrains Mono. (Though I’m also happy to code in both Fira Code and Source Code Pro.)
I love typography and have literally spent days pouring over typefaces, comparing them closely, and then picking the ones I want to use in different scenarios. Like this comparison I did when I wanted to select a typeface for all the charts and diagrams I post on this blog:
Which is why all my charts and diagrams are now in Fira Sans or Ideal Sans. (Where they used to be in DIN Next or Open Sans.)
CodingFont lets you do this type of side-by-side comparison without any of the hassle. So, if you’re a coder – or even someone who regularly uses monospaced fonts – then this is totally worth a try.
Have fun!