Maliha Got Married

If you’re wondering why I published only one blog post in February that’s because I spent most of that month in Pakistan attending (and, of course, helping organize) my younger sister Maliha’s wedding. This is her and my brother-in-law, Ibaad, at their wedding in Islamabad:

From Maliha and Ibaad's Wedding

Yes, I know I’m about a month late in blogging about this but I’ve only recently gotten the time to organize the photos from that trip. This is me ‘n Nadia in Karachi, which is where Maliha and Ibaad now live:

From Pakistan Trip Feb-09

You can view all these photos on my Picasa Web Albums page in these two albums:

  1. Maliha and Ibaad’s Wedding
  2. Pakistan Trip Feb-09

Enjoy :)