I Graduated!

Yes, I am done with my MBA. I completed my official course requirements (i.e. got my final grades) on 9th May and then on 17th May I had my graduation ceremony. I uploaded some photos and wrote about the ceremony on my professional blog (so read that first) but here are a couple of more photographs.

This is the official photo of me getting my MBA degree from the University of Melbourne's Vice-Chancellor, Glynn Davis:

Degree Presentation Photo

And here are Ayesha and Nadia in the freezing cold -- it was the coldest day in Melbourne so far and it rained continuously! -- just after the event:

Ayesha and Nadia at Ameel's Graduation

Nuzhat was also there but she had to leave early. There are more photos of all of us on Ayesha and Nuz's cameras but I haven't gotten those from them yet.

So thus endeth my MBA. Now to find a job...