[Video] Helvetica is boring, use Franklin Gothic instead

I think Franklin Gothic is cooler than Helvetica, so I made a video about why you should use it more often. And since the Franklin Gothic font you get with Windows and Office 365 isn’t particularly good, I recommend a few great free and paid alternatives.

I guess I make font explainer videos now

I had a lot of fun making the ‘Stop using Times New Roman’ video and so I’m back with a new one. Let me know what you think!

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[Video] Stop using Times New Roman

I made an explainer video about why you should stop using Times New Roman and which font you should use instead (based on your needs).

What did you think? This is the first time I’ve made a video like this, so all feedback is appreciated. A voiceover artist I am not :)  So if you have any specific voice acting tips for me, please share those too. Thanks!

Where did this come from?

You know how they say, “if you can’t find what you want to read, you should write it yourself”? Well I’m now applying that to explainer videos too :)

Designer Oliver Schöndorfer from Pimp my Type is the only person I know who creates videos like this one. They’re excellent and you should watch those on his YouTube channel. He also does weekly ‘Font Friday’ reviews on his mailing list.

But most of the other online discussions about typography are in blog posts, forum threads, or webpages – like these alternative-to resources on Typewolf and Practical Typography.

I myself wrote a couple of blog posts about recommended alternatives to Times New Roman a few months ago (original, follow-up).

The videos that people have produced about fonts are either from a graphic designer’s perspective or they’re one-offs – like ‘The controversial story of Times New Roman’ by The Middle-Aged Hack.

But since I’ve never seen anyone do an explainer video of this type before, I figured I might as well make one my own.

And since I had so much fun creating this video, I’ll think I’ll create a bunch more. Maybe one every couple of months? *crosses fingers*

Let me know if there’s any font you want me to talk about, by the way. I love researching and getting into the nitty gritty of typography, and I’m more than happy to take requests :)

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